Published on
February 19, 2024
FRI is pleased to welcome Rory Christian, Chair of the New York Public Service Commission, to FRI’s Advisory Board.
Chair Christian was first appointed to the NY PSC in June 2021, and appointed Chair and CEO in September 2021. He joined the PSC after several years experience in and related to the energy industry, having begun his career with Keyspan Energy before stints at National Grid and Constellation NewEnergy. He also served as Director of Energy Finance and Sustainability Management for the New York Housing Authority and as New York Director, Clean Energy for the Environmental Defense Fund.
Chair Christian currently teaches energy efficiency courses at the Columbia University School of Professional Studies. He volunteers with workforce development organizations and is a longtime supporter and former Chair of WE ACT for Environmental Justice’s Board of Directors.
He graduated from the City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and with an MBA from Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business.